Dr. Irina Dolinskaya to present Seminar

Dr. Irina Dolinskaya from the National Science Foundation will present at the Seminar Wednesday September 27 at 1:15pm in Room 101 of College Hall (CH).  Dr. Dolinskaya’s presentation title, abstract, and biographical sketch are below.

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Title: Navigating NSF:  Funding Opportunities, Proposal Preparation, and the Merit Review Process


Author: Dr. Irina Dolinskaya

Location: College Hall (CH) Room 101

Date: Wednesday, September 27

Time: 1:15pm – 2:15pm

Abstract: The first part of this talk will give an overview of Dr. Dolinskaya’s research on adaptive modeling and solution approaches with applications to humanitarian logistics, optimal vessel navigation and electric vehicle routing. The second part of the presentation will focus on the funding opportunities offered by the Division of Civil, Mechanical & Manufacturing Innovation within the disciplinary programs and through crosscutting initiatives across the National Science Foundation. This presentation will describe opportunities that are relevant to the operation research, industrial engineering, and dynamics and controls communities. Operation Engineering (OE) and Dynamics, Controls and Systems Diagnostics (DCSD) programs, as well as programs targeted toward junior investigators will be discussed. The talk will also describe guidelines for proposal preparation and NSF’s Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts criteria.

Bio: Dr. Irina Dolinskaya is an associate program director at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Division of Civil, Mechanical & Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI). Dr. Dolinskaya services Operation Engineering (OE) and Dynamics, Control and Systems Diagnostics (DCSD) programs. Prior to joining NSF, Irina Dolinskaya was a faculty in the Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences department at Northwestern University. She obtained M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial and Operations Engineering from the University of Michigan, and B.S. degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Florida.

Dr. Irina Dolinskaya’s research is in the field of transportation science and logistics with focus on adaptive modeling and solution approaches to integrate dynamic real-time information. Her current primary applications are in humanitarian logistics, optimal vessel performance, and    electric vehicle routing.

Professor Dolinskaya is the winner of the INFORMS Transportation Science & Logistics Society Dissertation Prize and the 2008 recipient of the Bonder Scholarship for Applied Operations Research in Military Applications. She has also been recognized for her teaching with IEMS Graduate Teaching Award (2011) and Northwestern Associated Student Government Faculty Honor Roll (2012), as well as for her advising with Cole-Higgins Award for Excellence in Advising (2014).


-Posted by Jay Rosenberger