Dr. Mahmudur Rahman to present IMSE seminar on Monday, November 18, 2019

Dr. Mahmudur Rahman from the Division of Safety Research at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health will present the IMSE seminar on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 1:15pm in Nedderman Hall, Room 106. Dr. Rahman’s presentation title, abstract, and biographical sketch are below.

All students and faculty are encouraged to attend. Attendance is expected for GTAs and on-campus GRAs. There will be signature sheets for GTA’s located in the room. Please sign in to note your attendance.

Title: Designing Smart Technologies
Author: Mahmudur Rahman
Location: Nedderman Hall Room 106
Date: Monday, November 18, 2019
Time: 1:15pm

Abstract: Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine our life without modern technologies. From waking up in the morning till going to bed at night, we spend most of our time interacting with modern technologies. Given the pace of technological advancement, human users may misunderstand the capability of a technology and misuse them. While advanced technologies may improve the quality of human lives, these technologies may also create unforeseen problems and lead to tragic events. This presentation will discuss the potential benefits of two different groups of advanced technologies in our society: vehicle automation and collaborative robots. It will talk about how overreliance on these technologies may have unintended consequences. In addition, few on-going research studies and future research needs to incorporate human factors into the design of vehicle automation technologies and collaborative robots will also be discussed.

image002Biographical Sketch: Mahmudur Rahman is a Research Fellow in the Division of Safety Research at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. He has a PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering with an emphasis on Human Factors. Dr. Rahman’s research interests center around transportation safety, human-centered design, and technology acceptance.

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